New slate:
- 6th Grade--Kristen Thorne, Brian Graham
- Encore: Dedria Davis-King, Kay Hoag
- 8th Grade: Tonia Maxcy
- Classified--TBA
- EC/Parent Rep: Portia Lakey
Election of Chairperson:
- Ms. Gentry explained that she should not be "running the meetings".
- Chairperson should facilitate meetings similar to single school culture meetings.
- Maxcy nominated Laura Horn
- Neal, second, all were in favor, none were opposed
- Meetings will be approximately every 6 weeks
- Next scheduled meeting will be October 17th
- Meetings can be called in between
- First three meetings on the staff calendar: Nov 28, Feb 20
- We are in a "follow-up" year
- We have to examine the data
- Ms. Gentry will input the data, and get all members a copy
- Members will review and see if there is anything we need to tweak
- Plan is due in the middle of October
- We also have to attach a School wide behavior plan
- We were able to adjust section of the staff handbook adding a section on ALC and hall behavior
- NC State Law says that WS/FCS is ~ an hour short in providing students with Physical fitness activity
- Each school must find ~ 10 minutes per day
- We will have to document in some way
- We don't have to do the "instant recess" videos
- Here is a site with on-line physical activity videos/clips that might be used:
- Maxcy--8th grade has discussed walking after lunch around the track (would work since Encore is at lunch during that time)
- 6th and 7th grade can be flexible about when they might do it so as not to interfere with team schedules
- One suggestion was to do it during the morning encore morning break when PE would not be outside (~ 30 minutes from 9:15-9:45)
- Teams would have to stick to their times so as not to overlap and have tons of students outside at once
- Would have to have a "back-up weather plan" on inclement weather days
- Deb Neal threw out the idea of each subject taking a quarter and handling it that way?
- The whole grade level does not have to agree on one plan as long as there is agreement to stagger times outside and not to interfere with PE.
- There was a suggestion that perhaps a team or grade level could do the whole week's worth in one day?
- concerns expressed about a lack of supervision during those times.
- Don't want it to become recess with students handed a ball to play.
- Must be structured activities
- Outside options are:
- Field to the left
- Track to the right
- Top of the hill too
- SIT members will go back and discuss with their constituents.
- No certain start date on this, but sooner rather than later.
- There are two decisions to be made
- Days of the week (needs to be two separate days)
- Which groups of students/what type of tutoring
- There also needs to be a clear and simple method of communication (master calendar) so that encore, core and students all know who, when and where students will be.
- Tutoring should not be "make-up work" sessions
- Does not have to be the same group of students both days
- Maxcy said 8th grade teachers didn't like the idea of Mondays--if tutoring is done the way it should be, its something that has to be planned.
- They suggested Wednesdays & Thursdays and everyone seemed to agree with these two days with some rotation so that students would not miss the same encore class all the time.
- Duration of tutoring? Gentry likes the idea of quarter long.
- Question? Offer some flexibility in teachers choosing who would be tutored?
- After school tutoring could target one group (bubble 2's?)
- Day time for low 2's and 1's?
- Suggestion to have the same "lesson" for both days
- Because of 8th grade not having teams, some teachers may have to tutor some students of other teachers--that may also be the case with 6th and 7th grade because of the configuration of students on different teams.
- Most seem to indicate they would rather have students picked for teachers for both days--predetermined by EOG scores
- Encore said students should probably be exempt from encore work when they are at tutoring
- If students are in after-school tutoring (and attending), then they would not have to go to day time tutoring
DEB Neal: quick review of numbers:
- Reading
- 6th grade, 110 1's and 2's
- 7th grade, 58-1's, 64-2's
- 8th grade, 49-1's, 103-2's
- Math:
- 6th grade, 9-1's, 55-2's
- 7th grade, 13-1's, 82-2's
- 8th grade, 15-1's, 80-2's
- Everything about tutoring plan will be in writing
- Deb Neal to develop specific lessons (she wants input and consistency)
- Letter will go home to parents (some parents may opt out)
- Questions:
- Can students be added to tutoring? Probably not after groups are predetermined
- Can students be "exited"? Could be for discipline issues--tutoring is a privilege and not a punishment