Monday, September 10, 2012

SIT Meeting September 10, 2012

At this week's meeting the SIT members discussed in small groups the following:

  1. Based on the data, what 3-4 top priorities emerge for the school?

      Reading strategies across the curriculum
      Closing the achievement gap
      Protecting instructional/non-instructional time
      Environment – enforcing a safe school
      Policies and procedures
      Parent involvement
      Bully prevention
      Reading scores – across the board, SWD, LEP
      Teacher/staff perception data

Other discussion:  Rachel Holmes:

Core teachers asked in terms of morning duties…at 7:00 am are they supposed to be in their room or at their door or in the hallway?

Gentry:  This shouldn’t be an issue—it’s like any other class change, people are assigned all over the place.  When there are a bunch of kids in your room, then you proceed from the doorway back into your room.  Should be a non issue—not a SIT issue.

Main issue on the agenda—progress on the school improvement plan.

Gentry compiled the information from the last meeting into summary document

Goal today to establish three or four goals we want to focus on as a school

Gentry will then start to put in the School Improvement Plan template

John to set up a google doc where people can give feeback

Groups broke into breakout sessions to chat and see how people are feeling:

Reading came up in everyone’s discussion:
Reading strategies, the goal or the strategy?
Old reading goals were not reached
We can identify a couple of targets?
Action plan can be specific things we are already have in place
Proficiency goal? or target subgroups? or both?

School Climate:  Safety over for all, for staff & students: 
Impomtu surveys during the year?
Measurable--achievement data can be attributable to safety and learning environment
Bullying—Safety committee is talking about October being anti-bullying month with ideas for bring awareness and continued education

Parental involvement:  how can we measure it? 
Increase Parent Assist (PAM) membership
How do we make various parent nights more accessible?
Increase the number of volunteers
we can get a rough number of people who attend events
Teams who offer night events can be measured
Measure number hits on websites
Measure number of edmodo comments / parent enrollment

A 4th possible goal?
Common  Core?
Science?  (Possible strategies with new technology coming)

Gentry will send out skelton template for SIT members to give feedback

Vision/Mission/theme going out the window?  will be another question Gentry will pose to us—do we need to re-define those?

Next meeting is October 15th.

SIT members will sign off, and Staff will approve when we do the final draft—end of October.