Sit Meeting August 2013
In attendance...
- Stephanie Gentry, principal
- Brad Rhymes, 7th grade language arts
- Lisa Turner, standing member-media
- Deb Neal, curriculum coordinator
- John Downs, standing member, technology
- Brian Griffin, classified ISS
- Sharman Lakey, encore,
- Rachel Holmes, encore
- Portia Lakey parent/EC (four years standing…any one opposed? No)
- Matt Halverstadt, 8th grade, social studies
- Sherri Worrell, parent rep (same issue as Portia Lakey…been a member for four years standing, any one opposed? No)
- Frankie Santoro, 8th language arts
- Jamie Sherman, guidance
- Brian Graham, 6th grade science
- Kristin Thorne, 6th grade social studies
- Brendan Elkins, SIT chair
Today’s meeting will be somewhat
Election of SIT Chair:
- Is a yearly election
- Open the floor for nominations?
- Brendan Elkins was nominated again and he accepted the nomination
- It was unanimous vote
- New folks on SIT…
- You have taken on a different role as a SIT member
- It's been “in development” the last few years
- likes to see a strong team speaking on behalf of your department
- It's not about calling out people but bringing forth issues
- Important to bring issues from your constituents
- Advice to new members: realize that you will be bombarded by your department with “stuff” and you need to be able to categorize it
- There is a section in the handbook about this SIT role.
- You have to categorize and filter the comments/complaints and how it needs to be voiced.
- Will also hear things from one person and may have to put in back of your mind and see if others voice similar concerns
- SIT also can not oversee the behavior of administrators.
- Those concerns need to be addressed with principal, same for specific concerns with teachers.
- Review of the School Improvement plan
- We developed last year
- By the end of September we need to review the plan and state where we are right now with the plan.
- One problem is the data we need to assess is not in yet
- We do have today the survey results (parents, teachers and students)
- We will look at these throughout the year. Not necessarily a conversation piece today.
- What other Issues do we need to take back to grade levels?
- Perhaps a survey about staff development?
- What are folks wanting training for this year especially with new teachers?
- Downs to develop an online survey and discuss with Elkins and Gentry
- Turner: What about a "Swap meet"/"Smack down"?
- An idea exchange day of sorts
- Tech Credit for this too?
- What experts do we have on staff with technology?
- Teacher Evaluation compliance could be aided with something like this
- What days? Wednesday? Alternative Mondays?
- Brad Rhymes: Dress code & Champs reinforcement especially with new teachers?
- Could this be addressed at Friday's Staff meeting?
- Tomorrow staff meeting is a lot of procedural stuff, and faculty meeting on Monday
- Worrell: New teachers? How do we support them?
- We all need to rally around them and offer support
- Late work policy
- Was reworded in staff handbook, was discussed by principals and it needs to be a consistent policy
- Brad Rhymes: Posting homework online, etc.
- Also needs to be consistency with entering grades into power school and setting the percentages, most teachers are using total points method.
- Paper progress report schedule for this quarter is in place
- Will be three paper progress reports during the first quarter
- Power School parent not coming until October, and parents maybe slow to enroll though it should be easy to sign up.
- Deb to start CTE testing:
- Supposed to take just 1 period (has to)
- Kids need to be to class on time and ready
- Teachers affected: Hatch, Daniels, Kilgore, Davis King, Watson
- Proctors will be needed
- Starting August 30th
- ISS: discussion:
- Griffin--make sure when students are sent there that they have work for them
- Discuss this with your teammates—will also be discussed at staff meeting
Next meeting date? (We will try to meet every 4
to 6 weeks)
Monday Sept 23rd
Monday Sept 23rd
Brendan will send out an agenda
about a week in advance