Absorption Plans
- Follow up, any lingering issues out there?
- Gone over in grade level
- See something pop up, let Gentry know
- Elkins: Mixture of grade levels—kids still coming without work or very little work
- Worrell: 7th grade decided we don’t have to send work—no one should be complaining
- Thorne: 6th grade the same thing—do not send work
- Encore: maybe an issue?
- Conversation on the supervision with transitions from encore—continue to discuss with grade levels
- Maybe a email or more discussion at grade level to claify
Morale and supporting teachers, especially newer teachers
- 3rd quarter blues
- IS there a budget for this? no, 99% of funds are used
- Examples of things they have don
- treat from admins (like when test scores came out)
- Give everyone a new lapto?
- Santoro: Apple Tree type thing—we as colleagues recognize each other as started by SIT
- Little Thank you notes.
- Thorne—gratifying to send out post cards to her homeroom
- Share suggestions--Brain Storm and send ideas to Brendan
- Everyone think of one thing
- Brendan will make up a list
- And maybe come up with a top three list
- Holmes: February—Send note from group to new teachers--By grade level?
- Thorne: meet out to eat? Email?
- Worrell: order Friday lunch ?
- PTA crockpot of soup?
- Crockpot of chilli, and maybe turn in into a contest
- Have to coordinate and man the area?
- But could do something smaller scale…
- Duty Free Lunch: Finding PTA members to volunteer, and issues with discipline
- Logistics of those can be rough
- Would have to be multiple days on a smaller scale
Grade level chairs organize something for new teachers
Reconvene: Next meeting is on March 10th
In two weeks by Valentine's Day—everyone shoot Brendan
an email with suggestions