Sharman Lakey
Rachel Holmes
Brian Griffin
Jamie Sherman
Portia Lakey
- Positions on SIT
- Test scores
- New school improvement plan
- will send existing members info
SIT Plan
- Still needs more data
- Teacher Working Conditions survey has not been made public
- Hispanic students huge concern for this school
- Demographic changing quickly
- Need to focus and have community input
- Other shift is math—traditionally been high, no longer since Common Core
- Should we focus on Math ?
Changes for next year?
- 5 or 6 early release days for next year
- Will have to decide certain staff development sessions
- address the gaps of our focus groups—wants SIT to have meaningful input
- Get credit and take care of the needs of the school
Is the absorption plan working?
- Touch base at the start of the year.
- Biggest issue is multiple people who are absent
- Having a centralized place for absorption plans
- On share drive?
- on board outside?
- Having backup assignments ready
- The plans need to be updated quarterly (with new names, etc.)
- Covering home base is an issue (especially in 6th grade)
Santoro: Supervision
- Issues between electives and third period
- Encore walking them all the way down
- Maybe clearly define where teachers walk to exactly during changes
- Holmes --They walk all the way down to Dr. Daniels room (can be fixed—have an encore meeting to clarify)
Thorne: Car riders
- Some very defined expectations for the parents and teachers consistency
- Gentry to print out directions –hand to car riders the first day?
Lakey: 6th graders with lockers on the 7th grade hall
- Zero supervision—hopefully not be an issue next year
Brian Griffin: Trash thrown out the windows on the last day
- How to handle this?
- Windows should be put up?
- Police department got hold of a few kids
- Faculty ride home on buses--they do this at some other schools
- Portia Lakey—encourage students to have less and less stuff as the final week goes on.
- Trash cans at the bus lot?
- Last day—send the message that nothing comes to school that is important to them.
Late bus issue:
- Automatic procedure of where to go?
Maybe release rooms at the end of the 8th grade hall (Santoro and Ellis) in "wave one" so there is a holding area for buses not here.
Turner: items not returned to the Media Center:
- It's been the the most ever…
- Maybe make things due the week before testing to help with getting items returned
- Will the ten day testing window continue?
- Perhaps there will be a 15 day window? (depends on the legislature)
- Worrell: Teachers want kids to be able to have access to books during testing with all the down time, so that is a concern too
- Thorne--They took up locks before testing and helped significantly
SIT Members for next year:
- For Encore:
- Rachel Holmes will be off
- Jennifer Wells to come on
- 8th grade:
- Santoro and Lakey rotating off (Santoro sent out an email to ask for interest)
- Halverstadt staying on
- 7th grade
- Elkins out
- Brad still has a year
- 6th grade:
- We are covered,--Graham and Thorne still on for second year
- Parent:
- Worrell will continue if necessary
- Tracy Eisebacher could do it
- Guidance:
- Sherman was supposed to rotate off, Guidance will discuss and decide
- EC
- Check on P. Lakey, Jennifer Lawson says she would do it
- If multiple people of interest—SIT will vote
- Will table until August though because of possible changes in summer.
- Will double check on Portia and Sherry
Gentry complimented the group--We bring the right issues to the table, and maximizes our