Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 2015 SIT Meeting

Members Present:

Griffin, Brian
Jones, Julie
Martin, Jennifer
Turner (for Sherman)

SIT Chair -- Miller:

Gentry on the Staff Survey:

  • Delayed—is not quite ready to go, but Gentry will make it happen very soon wants it to tie to data on school improvement plan

AP process update:

  • We were walked through a process prior to now and still working out the kinks in this process
  • The new process (not in writing) has been commonicated in  different ways
  • We have now been approached with the potential of  having an interim in place for Cole who is retiring in March
  • This is despite what HR has said about the process
  • We also may have an opportunity to bring in a specific interim
  • There are people on staff who know him and speak highly of him, so that is good
  • This person is pro middle school and pro kids
  • With Dr. Emory’s blessing, we can have stability coming in the door for the last four months of the year and would require less training. 
  • With SIT’s blessing then Gentry will close the books on this and he could come in soon and sub even before Cole leaves.
  • We would still go through the interview process in June and this person could be eligible for the hiring process

Any questions for Gentry?
  • Everyone was in agreement for bringing the interim on.

Signed Progress report issue?

  • Some teachers require a parent signature when a child’s grade is below a certain level.  But some parents would like to have the hard copy to keep.
  • What can we do? Go back and have conversations with your groups with suggestions for handling this?
  • Give teachers  a couple of choices?  Discuss feedback at the next SIT meeting.

Review of the SIT plan

  • SIT plan review teams have been establisged by the district and they have an evaluative rubric for  our plan which will be graded
  • We will then be visited by a review team
  • They will be looking for things like:
    • Measurable goals?
    • Who was involved in the SIT plan process? (inclusive?)
  • Because of this, we need to review and see how much of our plan is actually in practice, 
  • What can we measure at this point?  
  • Over the next couple of meetings, we will go through goal by goal and then express any concerns about the different goals.

Here's an example:  School priority Goal 1:  reading proficiency

  • Any of the strategies not really happening?
  • LEP plans?  Yes—Melissa Jackson is working on and are similar to IEP plans
  • Mentoring program?
    • Came to a standstill back in the fall –A meeting took place but the transportation piece fell through from the grant group.
    • Central office met with the group and asked them to come back with another proposal and Gentry will be hearing from them soon.
    • EC concerns:  Robin asked that the 7th grade teams contact her since they missed a Dec meeting.
    • Classroom walk through data has not really been provided because of difficulty with the reports
    • If there are things we need to tweak (add or remove) then we can send in a revision and may have to respond to several things on the rubric.
    • Bring SIT plan to future meetings for further review