Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 2015


Members Present:

Jones, Julie
Martin, Jennifer
Downs (took minutes)

Reviewing the School Improvement Plan:
  • We have been contacted by a district team and they have reviewed the scoring of plans using a rubric to help schools make the School Improvement Plan (SIP) document more of a living document
  • The fact that these are such large plans makes the process a little overwhelming
  • At some point in mid march, they will come sit down and give us feedback on our SIP
  • We are asking for harder, more critical feedback
    • They look at the goals, the data we use, the strategies and see how they all align together
    • Our team consists of: Nash, Sutton and Hoskins (good constructive group)
  • We don’t have to write a whole new plan in the fall but instead have to determine based on their feedback  how do we have to tweak our current plan
  • They don't want to give us a "score" to feel evaluated and instead give us constructive feedback

Assistant Principal Hiring Situation (With Karen Cole retiring):

  • It has been an ever changing situation, as Gentry has eluded to in her email to SIT
  • As of right now, Cliff Prince will come in on Monday and we don’t have to train him!
  • Cliff is ready to come back and he is happy to do it for Ms Cole
  • Cliff says he will come in for two days or two months whatever is needed  
    • Though He would prefer not to "drag it out" until the end of the school year
  • The current applicants have finished taking an AP assessment
  • Dr. Emory scores them on a rubric and rates them on a TIER
  • We have contacted Brenda Borne offering to help narrow down the applicants, but they will do that part for us
  • The posting was for any AP opening and so was generic
  • We should  have our applicants by the end of February and then Bailey and Gentry will narrow down to those we want to interview
  • Jennifer Wells, Helen Miller  and Lisa Turner are on the committee for the hiring process
  • Will do two afternoons/evenings possibly
  • Whoever the AP is that we approve, then  has to be approved by Montague-Davis
  • Any committee member who has conflicts with interview times,  let Gentry know now
  • Will use the similar questions we used last time that were contributed to by the SEMS staff
  • Question to SIT members,  what do we want?
    • Turner:  a person concerned about both students and teachers  and parents
  • We will stay the path on discipline and reviews for the rest of the year (Bailey and Gentry to complete the load for Cole until the new person comes on)
  • Karen has made list of critical situations and parents that might need special assistance
  • If SIT members (or staff members) have particular things they want to see in an AP, let one of the interview committee members know. (Wells, Turner and Miller)
  • We are possibly looking at mid-march  to schedule interviews
  • Gentry will first consult with the committee on the possible interview dates

Anything for the good of the order?
  • Annual leave days treated with all the snow days?  
  • We don’t have any other workdays scheduled at the end of the year at this point
  • Will not be asked to work anymore than your contracted number of days…
  • The longer teachers are here the longer the summer process gets delayed, so admins don't want extended school year either
  • Teachers should be aware that on  paychecks annual leave days are "loaded in" and then taken so that’s part of the payroll process--You will  see a variation of those leave days such as at Christmas time
  • Hopefully we will get a simple explanation of  all the time after all the weather clears up.

Other news..
  • Schedule for 3rd quarter testing is being tweaked and to mirror the end of grade testing as much as possible.
  • Next meeting is April 13th