CHAMPS training for Staff
Gentry: big discussion piece with encore--desire to re-do staff training and clear up the CHAMPS hallway expectations
- Does SIT feel like it needs to happen and how?
- training from a different source?
- Young: People not doing duties ?
- Champs History: Training was done extensively when it first started
- Graham: a refresher would be good (keep it short)
- Wells: can we do in grade level ?
- Miller: Needs to be a school consensus on CHAMPS
- Halverstatdt: what is the training?-- It's a review of the SEMS expectations for class changes and hall behavior
- Graham: consistency in enforcement is an issue
- Gentry: We should look at staff handbook for all the detailed expectations
- What are the expectations when teachers are dealing with other grade level?
- a menu of options to address issues
- A what point does it go to the office?
- Pull that document and let SIT look at it and decide to do with it
- SIT needs to be on board based on necessity
- MIller: Teachers need to be out in the hall during locker changes (especially people in the pods)
What would training it look like? and how do we do it?
- Last time, Laura Horn and others provided the training
- Young: more than happy to help...
- Gentry: very choosy about staff meeting items--might not be the best forum?
- Douglass: Could we do it on the Monday afternoon training sessions that we have been doing?
- Look at the document in the handbook and make official recommendations for what to include
- Gentry--people get tired of hearing from me
- Thorne: Can we make it more meaningful?--so make it specific to grade level concerns
- Wells--could we do the training in 2 parts? one for specifics and then one for the whole group...
- Problem addressing a large group--people often don’t think they are talking to them
- Another thing to think about--If you were to walk in other schools/ halls people might realize what we have here
- Give Gentry feedback on the handbook document and then schedule grade levels and then do the whole group
- Maybe in early January do the grade level meeting refresher
- But she really needs the feedback from the document
- It's now much easier access to our discipline data
- We got a huge excel file that Gentry filtered and gave to us
- Do we have the past first quarter data to compare it to? no
- 220 incidents for the first quarter that were documented by administration
- With Aaron coming on board--it can change the way things are coded
- 8th grade: 54% of offenses
- reportable offenses?--for example, marijuana
- Mr. Griffin: last week almost 80 ISS attendees, 400 for the year (if they come through the door Griffin documents their visit)
- How heavy ISS has gotten--admins have noticed
- Teacher morale is way off, that could be a factor in discipline?
- If Brian gets loaded , then might have to close it off and handle among teams
- Some teachers abuse ISS and use it as a babysitting service
- Griffin: Students take it more serious when ISS assignment comes from an administrator
- Young: are admins aware of frequent fliers? oh yes
- A "taste of ALC" a week long stint in ISS
- Will continue to give you the discipline data
- Would like to look at the data by race
Staff Survey for December / January:
- Do we want to give the staff a survey late December or early January?
- Come up with a sub committee with questions
- What showed up on the survey last year and needed addressed
Ideas for topics
- Questions about CHAMPS:
- Resources for teachers
- other hot button ideas
- leadership roles
- Downs do the online part of it, Turner to work on the questions
- Martin, Young, Thorne, and Miller to ask constituents about topics for the survey
- Members send committee members and give SIT team to give feedback
- Thorne: focus on SE Middle School--specifics to us that are able to be fixed
- no later than the second week of January
Good of the order? nothing
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